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How to Cancel and/or Delete a Transaction

Important Note:  Transactions can only be cancelled or deleted by the Escrow Officer or Escrow Officer Assistant associated with the transaction.  If you need to have a transaction cancelled or deleted, please submit a task to them via Title | Pipe instructing them to do so.  

If you are the Escrow Officer/Assistant, please follow the steps below in the event that you need to cancel a transaction:


  • Access the transaction details page via Title | Pipe and select the three buttons on the far right of the transaction status menu and select "Cancel Transaction"


  • A confirmation message will appear.  Select the reason for cancellation from the drop down options and select "Yes, I'm sure"


  • A red "CANCELED" banner will appear across the top of the transaction details page and in the My Transaction list of transactions.

Transaction Details Page



My Transactions Page


  • Notifications will be atomically sent to transaction participants notifying them of the cancellation.  The cancelled transaction can be restored at any time by selecting the three buttons on the far right again and selecting "Restore Transaction".  

If you will to permanently delete the transaction, follow the steps to cancel and then select the "Move to Trash" option from the three buttons on the far right of the status menu

  • The transaction will be removed from all transaction participants accounts in 4 days and will be permanently deleted from the Title | Pipe system in 30 days.  
