Each transaction in Title | Pipe™ contains the unique details associated with this transaction. This includes such items as the property address, estimated settlement date, accommodations and a number of other important details. Transaction details may be updated by authorized transaction participants.
If you wish to edit the transaction details, please follow the steps below:
- Log into Title | Pipe™ and select the appropriate transaction
- On the right-side panel, select the "Details" tab
- Select the edit icon
- Edit the appropriate field. and select "Save"
- Important Note: Certain transaction details can be modified only by the Escrow Officer/Settlement Agent and their assistants. If there is a field that you wish to edit but you are unable to, you can request the edit by submitting a task to them. For details on creating a task, click here.
- The details will be saved and a green success message will briefly appear in the upper right corner. A notification message will be sent to transaction participants informing them of the change.
Two important notes when updating details:
- Title | Pipe™ security and control features ensure that only certain transaction participants can view and/or edit transaction details. If there is a detail that you wish to edit but do not have the ability to when following the instructions above, please contact your Escrow Officer/Settlement Agent.
- Additionally, any changes to the transaction details are logged in the transaction Activity Feed.