As a first time user to Title | Pipe there are a few initial steps that are required for security purposes. These initial steps only need be completed once and upon completion, you can access Title | Pipe anytime using your email and password. If you have been invited to a transaction in Title | Pipe for the first time, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to the Invite email message. This message will contain information on who sent the invite to you and the address associated with the transaction. For security purposes the street number is NOT provided. Select the "Access Transaction" link provided in the email.
- An activation notice will appear, directing you to check your email inbox for an activation email
- Go to your inbox and look for the activation email. You may need to check your junk folder if your spam setting preclude the message going to your inbox. Please mark "Not Junk Mail" and all future Title | Pipe notifications will go to your inbox. Select the "Activate Account" link in the email
- You will be re-directed to the Title | Pipe log in screen. Enter your email and password and select "Log In"
- As a first time user, you will need to confirm your identity for security purposes. Follow the on screen instructions to submit your cell phone number and a code will be sent to you.
- Input the security code sent to your phone and select "Confirm My Identity"
- You will be re-directed to your Account Profile page. Input your account details
- Select the role that applies to your function in the transaction and select "Add Role"
- Update your notification preferences and add your profile picture. If you have a DocuSign account, you can link it to your Title I Pipe account and access DocuSign e-sign features from within Title | Pipe. Select "Save" when complete
- You will be prompted to review and accept the Title | Pipe terms of service agreement
- If you are a customer (Buyer, Seller or Borrower (Refi) then your account profile is complete and you can select the "My Transactions" link in the top row to access your transaction(s)
- If you are an industry professional, then there are a couple more steps to complete as you will need to set up or associate with your company. If you selected a non-customer role in your profile you will be directed to the "Join or create a company" page. Search first to see if someone else has already set up your company. If you see your company/branch listed, select it and the branch manager will be notified. No further action is needed.
- If you do not see your Company/Branch list, you will need to create the initial company profile by selecting the "Create Company" option and inputting the appropriate information.
- You will be prompted to either select yourself or invite a branch manager. Please select the option appropriate for you organization and select "Save Company Profile".
- You will be re-directed to the Company profile page where you can see the initial profile you have created. Your branch manager will be able to edit these details as needed.
- You can select the "My Transactions" link in the top row to access your transaction(s)