Title I Pipe™ is a mobile enabled platform. You do not need to download an app or modify your device in any way to use Title | Pipe™ on a mobile device. The Title | Pipe™ application will automatically adjust to screen on your device.
When you log into Title I Pipe™ from your phone or table, the application will load in a different format to make it easier to use the application on a mobile device. You can use the mobile version to view/respond to notifications, manage documents, view/assign tasks and update transaction and funding details. The mobile version of Title I Pipe™ is a collapsible or "stacked" view in which the features and information can be viewed by expanding or collapsing the feature you want to access and scrolling up/down as needed. Select the feature you want to access and go from there.
The mobile version of Title I Pipe™ is especially useful in a number of areas including:
- Viewing transaction notifications - If you have your notification preferences set to include SMS and/or email notifications, you can access Title I Pipe™ directly from the notification. Just select the link included with the notification and you will be able to log in to the application and will be taken directly to the transaction associated with the notification your received. Quickly and easily see document updates, transaction updates, tasks and comments.
- Document Management - Real Estate transactions involve a number of different documents some of which will require your attention. Quickly view, download and upload documents from your phone simply by tapping the document and taking action as needed. In instances in which a document requires a signature you can take a picture of the signed document as quickly upload the image file as a signed version of the document.
- File Share - Shares sent or received are actionable in the shares table by toggling the share row radio button to the right of the share and selecting an action or by clicking on the share description. Placing your phone in the horizontal position may result in better viewing of the share table.
If you have any questions about how to use Title | Pipe™ on a mobile device, please contact our support team at support@titlepipe.com