Title | Pipe™ uses the Purchase and Sale Contract to initiate purchase transactions and the Lender Title Request to initiate a refinance transactions. Starting with these items ensures that only legitimate transactions are initiated and that only specific licensed industry professionals may start a transaction. In order to initiate a transaction in Title | Pipe™, the user must be a licensed Real Estate Agent/Assistant, Escrow Officer/Assistant, Transaction Coordinator or Loan Officer/Assistant to start a transaction in Title I Pipe™. If you wish to start a transaction and are not one of these roles, please contact your Agent/Escrow Officer/Loan Officer directly to have them start the transaction in Title | Pipe™.
If you are one of these roles, you will have the option to "Submit New Order" on the My Transactions page. See below for detailed instructions
- Log into Title | Pipe™ and go to My Transactions page and Select the "New Order" icon
- Complete the new order form
- There are a few required fields that will need to be completed, noted with the * beside the field
- Additional information can be included if known
- As a part of the submittal process, you will have required and optional invites based upon the transaction details. Transaction invites will be sent to any individuals included when submitting the order. Additional transaction participants can be invited from the transaction details page as needed.
- Once the appropriate fields are completed, select Submit and your order will be created. Invited participants will be notified to join the transaction.