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Does Title | Pipe™ replace the production software used by Title/Escrow, Real Estate or Lending companies?

No. Title | Pipe™ does not replace the production software used by Title/Escrow, Real Estate or Lending Companies. Our platform works in concert with these tools to consolidate the details, documents and communications in one platform for safe, secure and effective transactions.  More specifically, Title | Pipe™ platform has been created to provide residential and commercial settlement services entities and their title/abstract partners a standardized delivery/receipt and disbursement utility to ensure efficient, secure, highly visible and accurate transaction collaboration among all internal and external transaction participants. 

Title | Pipe™ has been specifically designed to alleviate liability due to wire fraud, sensitive information leaks, mass email, consumer confusion and industry participant adoption.  As an agnostic solution for augmenting current Title and Escrow production and communication integrations, the utility brings ALL transaction participants together for access, storage, collaboration, and monitoring of documents, data and instructions relative to their role. Dynamic authentication capabilities for profile and funds disbursement preferences create zero fault liability and elevated transaction accuracy.

For more information about Title | Pipe™, go to www.titlepipe.com