"My Profile" in Title | Pipe™ is your specific account information. You can access your profile by clicking the icon in the upper right hand corner in Title | Pipe™. Your profile contains the following account details:
- Name & Contact information - Name & Email are required account details.
- Your Role(s) in a transaction - Users may have more than one Role. For more details on roles, click HERE.
- Notification preferences - Use these options to adjust how you would like to received notifications on your transactions
- Log-In Information - Dual authentication is a security protocol used by Title | Pipe™. There are default settings that require dual authentication and you can adjust these settings for additional security if your prefer.
- Change password - If/when you want to update your password, select this option and follow the prompts.
- Add/edit Profile Picture - our profile picture will be viewable to other users in your Company/Branch and in any transactions you participate in.
For information on how to update you profile, click HERE.